г.Киев, проспект Валерия Лобановского 17, тел./факс.: (044) 273-34-33, тел.моб.: (050) 759-73-73
Orthognetic surgery
Orthognetic surgery: renovation of aesthetic facial proportions
It is not infrequent that modern dentistry comes across such cases when restoration of anatomic occlusion doesn’t fully satisfy the client because it doesn’t match his or her face, or doesn’t restore facial proportions. Adult patients face this problem most often as growth and shaping of upper and lower jaw are fully complete and non-surgical therapy cannot possibly change anything.
Harmonious face and aesthetic smile – results of orthognetic surgery
Different kinds of dental anomaly combined with asymmetrical face and its distortion make one look unattractive. Discontent with own appearance causes psychological problems, complaints about life, and offences at the whole world. Having such problems it’s harder to start a family and build a successful career. Today there is no need to put up with all mentioned above. Orthognetic surgery achieves harmony of occlusion, aesthetic facial proportions and smile. Besides, it improves functions of breathing, chewing, and articulation, treats short breathing and snore.
Techniques and fundamental principles of orthognetic surgery:
Maxillofacial surgeon and orthodontist simultaneously work with patient.
Surgeries are mostly recommended to patients over 18 years old when growth of jaw bones is fully complete.
Preoperative period usually involves wearing braces to straighten teeth, they are removed in 3-5 months after the surgery.
The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, its duration depends on the quantity of necessary surgical treatments (1-6 hours).
Incisions are made in oral cavity and do not leave scars.
Clinical case of treatment of mesial occlusion by the link: http://www.med-beauty.com.ua/ua/news/likuvannya-mezialnogo-prykusu
Come to Med-Beauty clinic, and orthognetic surgery will give you a new face!
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