Kiev, Lobanovskogo Avenue 17, phone / fax. (044) 273-34-33, tel.mob. (050) 759-73-73
It is necessary to watch not only teeth, but also old fillings. After all they can easily become useless.
It is necessary to watch not only teeth, but also old fillings. After all they can easily become useless.

It is necessary to watch not only teeth, but also old fillings. After all they can easily become useless.
This is fraught with the destruction of the entire tooth, the release of inflammation beyond its aisles or the loss of a precious chewing unit.
The appearance of unpleasant sensations in the restored tooth should alert you - maybe it's a carious process or, as we call it - secondary caries! Why does it occur ?! The reasons are the same: cariogenic bacteria affect healthy tooth tissue under the filling, for example, due to poor hygiene or chipped filling material - this is when the tightness of the filling is broken and poor hygiene again occurs carious process. Prevention of secondary caries is quality daily hygiene of the cavity , regular examinations at the dentist and timely treatment of teeth and teeth. Do not wait until the old filling falls apart and the infection of nearby tissues begins, come for a professional examination every six months, even if nothing bothers you.
Sincerely, Clinic "FACE BEAUTY CLINIC"
tel. +38 (044) 369-30-10
tel. +38 (095) 283-03-00
Address: Kyiv, 6-A Lobanovsky Ave.,
3rd floor, office 144
Sincerely, Med Beauty Clinic
Tel (050) 759-73-73; 067-101-99-47
Address: Kiev, Valery Lobanovsky Avenue, 17
MEDBUD Hospital, 1st floor, right wing.
Schedule: Mon-Fri from 8:00 to 20:00,
Sat from 9:00 to 19:00
You can make an appointment, call:
tel. / fax. (044) 273-34-33, tel. Mob.: (050) 759-73-73