Kiev, Lobanovskogo Avenue 17, phone / fax. (044) 273-34-33, tel.mob. (050) 759-73-73
Our specialists. maxillo-facial surgery clinic "MED-BEAUTY"

She specializes in the treatment and diagnosis of fractures of craniofacial skeleton using modern methods of osteosynthesis; restoration the alveolar bone for mandible and maxilla by preparation for implantation; surgical treatment of malocclusion; blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, facelift, ortognatica etc.
PhD, assistant professor of surgery and maxillofacial surgery of the National Medical University
She is a member of the leading European trade associations:
- European Association of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery (EACMFS)
- European Association of osteosynthesis (AO Foundation)
- European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS)
- Association of Implantology of Ukraine.
Since 2007. working with the program a 3-D planning orthognathic surgery and dental implantation Simplant (Materialaise Software, Belgium).
Total medical experience 16 years, doctor of higher category, the author of 29 scientific publications, 8 invention patents of Ukraine.
Take courses of postgraduate education, training, and participates in international congresses on oral surgery:
2018 -24th Congress of the European Association for Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery ,18-21 September 2018 - Munich – Germany
2017 - BSCOSO Spring Course.TMJ: physical therapy, orthodontics, surgery. (Vilnius, Lithuania)
2015 - Authorial courses of lipofilling face (liposculpture) Pavlo Denyshchyk Clinic Ana Cosmo.
2015 - International Conference on Orthognathic Surgery and Orthodontics (BSCOSO 2015) (Riga, Latvia)
2015 - Facial Plasty Surgery Course (Salo, Italy).
2013 - The 1st International Conference on ortofatsialnoy surgery and orthodontics (Moscow).
2011 - Member of International Congress on Surgery of the orbit "Orbit - 2011" (Ferrara, Italy).
2011 - Practical course on rhinoplasty "The Nose of Cleopatra" (Budapest, Hungary).
2011 - Member of XX Congress of the European Association for Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery (Bruges, Belgium).
2010 - planning surgery and orthodontic preparation of patients with skeletal malocclusion (Vilnius, Lithuania).
2009 - 1st Baltic Sea Conference in Orthognathic Surgery and Orthodontics (25 - 27 September, 2009, Vilnius, Lithuania).
2009 - AO Course "Innovations & Perspectives in Anterior Scull Base & Orbital Surgery" (Freiburg, Germany).
2008 - Member of XIX Congress of the European Association for Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery (Bologna, Italy).
2008 - Seminar "Fundamentals of orthognathic surgery," prof. Drobysheva AY in IPST (Kiev, Ukraine).

She specializes in reconstructive operations in traumatic deformities of the maxillofacial area, dental implantation, bone and plastic surgery on the facial skeleton, blepharoplasty, lipofilling, facial contour.
Work experience 11 years. First category physician, author of 5 scientific publications, including the 1st patent for the invention.
She passed courses:
2013 - A master-class on the 3-D lifting Radiesse (Merz Esthetics)
2011 - Practical course "Implants in the esthetic zone, closed sinus lift, augmentation horizontal "(INSPE & Vilniaus implantologious centras).
2009 - Courses on the use of botulinum toxin (Dysport).
2006 - Courses on dental implantation (Antazhir).

She specializes in reconstructive surgery for defects and deformations of jaws and soft tissues; osteo-plastic surgery of the facial skeleton for violations of facial proportions (congenital and traumatic); treatment of diseases of salivary glands, etc.
PhD, assistant professor of surgical dentistry, maxillofacial surgery and implantology of the National Medical University.
She is a member of association of the leading Ukrainian Implantology.
Total medical experience 22 years old, doctor of higher category, author of 54 scientific papers and 12 patents of Ukraine for inventions.
She took part in training courses, conferences, seminars, congresses:
2013- Master class for 3-D Non-surgical lifting Radiess (MERZ estetics).
2009 - Seminar Dr. Pierre Cuvelier on "Injection countour plastics" (Philoderm Aesthetics BV - Ukraine, Kiev 15.10.2009)
2009 - Philoderm Mesotherapy (Philoderm Aesthetics BV - Ukraine, Kiev (02.12.2009).
2009- AO Course "Innovations & Perspectives in Anterior Scull Base & Orbital Surgery" (Freiburg, Germany).
2006 - Second Ukrainian International Congress "Dental implants. Osseointegration" m. Kyiv, Ukraine.
2003 - International scientific conference "Osteology in Lviv, Ukraine, in 2003".
2002 - First East- Europen Congress of Dental Implantation "Bone Regeneration in Implantologi with Natural Biomaterials", Lviv, Ukraine
2002 Professional Education Program
2002 - Certificate of AchievementAwarded to Dr. Olena Astapenko for attending the anthogyr
You can make an appointment, call:
tel. / fax. (044) 273-34-33, tel. Mob.: (050) 759-73-73