Kiev, Lobanovskogo Avenue 17, phone / fax. (044) 273-34-33, tel.mob. (050) 759-73-73

Specializes in reconstructive surgery of the maxillofacial region, surgical correction of malocclusion (orthognathic surgery), facial plastic surgery (rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, genioplasty, etc.).
PhD, assistant professor of surgery and maxillofacial surgery of the National Medical University.
She is a member of the leading European trade associations:
- European Association of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery (EACMFS)
- European Association of osteosynthesis (AO Foundation)
- European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS)
- Association of Implantology of Ukraine.
Since 2007 working with the program a 3-D planning orthognathic surgery and dental implantation Simplant (Materialaise Software, Belgium).
Total medical experience 16 years, doctor of higher category, the author of 29 scientific publications, 8 invention patents of Ukraine.
Passed postgraduate courses on dental implantation and bone grafting:
2017 - BSCOSO Spring Course.TMJ: physical therapy, orthodontics, surgery. (Vilnius, Lithuania)
2016 - 23-rd Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery - London, United Kingdom.
2015 - International Conference on Orthognathic Surgery and Orthodontics (BSCOSO 2015) (Riga, Latvia)
2015 - Facial Plasty Surgery Course (Salo, Italy).
2014 - Simonas Gribauskas Ortognatic Live Surgery Course (Vilnius, Lithuania).
2013 - Nobel Biocare World: current concepts of modern implantology (Kiev).
2013 - The 1st International Conference on ortofatsialnoy surgery and orthodontics (Moscow).
2011 - Aesthetic aspects of dental implant (Biohorizons, Kiev).
2010 - Planning for surgery and orthodontic preparation of patients with skeletal malocclusion (Vilnius, Lithuania).
2008 - Participants of the III East European Congress on dental implant osseointegration (Kiev, Ukraine).
2008 - Practical course for bone grafting alveolar processes (Aesculap).

Specializes in the treatment of dental and periodontal diseases. She holds of techniques of root canal filling, art restoration of teeth.
Graduated the National Medical University A. A Bogomolets. Passed an internship on the basis of National Medical University A. A Bogomolets.
Passed postgraduate courses:
January 30 - February 3, 2017 - Kiev, the training course "Working with modern restoration materials and equipment" (Fenestra)
January 21, 2017 - Kiev, training course "Key points in the choice of tactics and techniques of endodontic treatment" (Dentsply Sirona)
June 11, 2016- Lviv, seminar "Without which high-quality endo-therapy is impossible? Practical recommendations »(Dentsply Academy)
June 10, 2016 - Kiev, Workshop "For dentists: new licensing conditions for conducting medical practice" (Med Consulting)
June 6, 2016 - Kiev, master class "Modern Endodontic Treatment"
(Dentsply Academy)

She graduated from the National Medical University. AA Bogomolets, Kiev. Passed internship on the basis of NMU. A. A. Bogomolets.
Takes part in training courses, conferences, seminars:
December 8, 2015 - Scientific and Methodological Symposium "Pain and inflammation in dentistry."
December 13, 2016 - master class "Fundamentals of the restoration of the posterior teeth," Roman Popov.
April 2, 2016 - lecture “School of Dental Excellence in Kyiv”, Andrey Sapeliuk, Vadim Zagorodni, Alexey Krasnozhon.
April 18, 2017 - master class "Modern diagnosis of periodontal disease", Oksana Shekera, Natalya Grig.
June 10-11, 2017 - Ukrainian endodontic community “7 congress residences”.
April 12, 2018 - training course "Updated Concept ENDO 2018", Uwe Radmaher.
October 13, 2018 - Practical Implantation Workshop, Roman Kutyak.
December 4, 2018 - January 15, 2019 - a course of webinars "The easy way to artistic restoration of all groups of teeth", Akhundov Murad.

Specializes in the correction of malocclusion and malposition of the teeth using plates, braces, splints. He is one of the few certified orthodontists of Ukraine, working with technique Invisalign - the alignment of teeth at any age through transparent individual CVR. She works with the new high-tech braces - system "Incognito".
Member of the Association of Orthodontists of Ukraine
Member of the Society Lingual orthodontics (USLO).
Takes part in training courses:
2012 - "Precision Bracket Bonding" master class.
2011 - "Ortodontichne lіkuvannya patologії class II."
2011 - "Vikoristannya elastikіv in ortodontії."
2010 - "A new way of orthodoutics - Swing technigue Hodule III".
2010 - "The distal occlusion."
2009 - "Functional abnormalities and TMJ."
2009 - "Suchasna promeneva dіagnostika in ambulatornіy stomatologії otorinolaringologії that."
2009 - "Paradontology in orthodontic practice."
2009 - "Growth and development chelyusno-facial system."
2008 - "Device" Direct Arc "and its structural elements, particularly the use in orthodontic treatment."
You can make an appointment, call:
tel. / fax. (044) 273-34-33, tel. Mob.: (050) 759-73-73