Kiev, Lobanovskogo Avenue 17, phone / fax. (044) 273-34-33, tel.mob. (050) 759-73-73
Dental prophylaxis
Dental prophylaxis

Unfortunately, dental prophylaxis is not so widespread in our country !!!
But a beautiful and healthy smile is, first of all, an indicator of your attitude towards yourself! A visit to the dentist is necessary 2 times a year, then the health of the teeth and oral cavity will be safe! These visits require professional oral hygiene using ultrasound (if necessary), air flow, brushing your teeth with special pastes! If no other problems are identified, the doctor will make an appointment in six months (for a preventive review and professional hygiene).
It is much easier to detect problems at the initial stage, fix them with minimal losses for the body, and if you take care of your teeth every six months and consult a doctor in time, you can avoid a lot of problems, nerves and negative emotions
We are waiting for you in our clinic!
Sincerely, Clinic "FACE BEAUTY CLINIC"
tel. +38 (044) 369-30-10
tel. +38 (095) 283-03-00
Address: Kyiv, 6-A Lobanovsky Ave.,
3rd floor, office 144
Sincerely, Med Beauty Clinic
Tel (050) 759-73-73; 067-101-99-47
Address: Kiev, Valery Lobanovsky Avenue, 17
MEDBUD Hospital, 1st floor, right wing.
Schedule: Mon-Fri from 8:00 to 20:00,
Sat from 9:00 to 19:00
You can make an appointment, call:
tel. / fax. (044) 273-34-33, tel. Mob.: (050) 759-73-73